Today, every business blogs. And many individuals too. With all of that content on the internet, how are you supposed to create content that stands out as different?
Write for Your Audience
Just writing isn’t enough. Writing for your audience – clients, caregivers, families – is key. You need to write content that answers questions your audience has and may be searching for online. Answering these questions establishes you as a resource, boosts authority and helps to position you as an expert.
But Not Just for Your Audience
Writing for your target audience is essential, but you can’t forget about search engines. Writing content that is thoroughly optimized for search engines in addition to being written for your audience allows your blog to be served in search results when potential clients or referral sources are searching for items related to your services online.
Be Original
If everyone is talking about a trending topic, feel free to chime in. But don’t ask for permission and reshare their content on your blog – write your own opinion on the subject. Publishing original and relevant content on your blog benefits not only SEO, but also your target audience.
Don’t Be Afraid
I’m not telling you to take sides on controversial topics that aren’t directly relevant to your business. In fact, I would discourage that. But your company has values, goals, a mission, your culture and your team. Write content that reflects who your company really is – show your personality, specialties and talents to attract clients and candidates.
Know Why You’re Blogging
Blogging because everyone else is doing it isn’t the answer. You know blogging is important for your company, but it’s important that you know why it’s important. Setting goals for your blogging program and creating content that stands out is important. For help launching a successful blogging program, reach out to our marketing educators to learn how Providentia Marketing can help!